XXXIV Annual Award of the "Giovanni Comisso Prize for Literature"
XXXIV Annual Award of the "Giovanni Comisso Prize for Literature". Saturday, May 30th at 10 am Tipoteca Auditorium in Cornuda will host the Award Ceremony of the XXXIV Annual "Giovanni Comisso Prize for Literature" of which Grafiche Antiga is technical sponsor. www.premiocomisso.itcontinue reading
Presentation of the volume "Alphabets of Wood. Luigi Melchiori & the history of Italian wood type"
Friday, January 23th 2015, at 8.30 pm at Tipoteca Auditorium Alphabets of Wood. Luigi Melchiori & the history of Italian wood type is the first attempt to survey the hitherto unknown history of wood type in Italy. This book sprung from an encounter with the…continue reading
Tools of the trade
Grafiche Antiga’s calendar 2015 is dedicated to the tools of the trade. Those which, if well used, produce excellence. Tools, gears, tiny pieces, so simple and obvious to become almost invisible, but essential ingredients of any well done job. The images of the calendar are…continue reading
Open House Tipoteca Italiana
Sunday, October 19th, from 11 am to 7 pm special opening of the new exhibition hall and the new Tipoteca Auditorium. Musical entertainment by the orchestra "La Rejouissance" performing an open rehearsal, directed by Elisabetta Maschio, and jam session directed by Lino Brotto.
Poster design competition
A Story of Character. Aldus Manutius 1515-2015 The fifth centenary of Aldus Manutius, the most important Venetian printer, and the 20th of the foundation of Tipoteca Italiana offers an occasion to move a step further in the story of Tipoteca, with the opening of a…continue reading