Premium Color Print
In recent years, the evolution in the printing world outlines a growing trend in use of uncoated and textured papers, in the production of fine printed books, art and photography publishing, and also corporate communication such as catalogues, company profiles and monographs. Uncoated papers have a less smooth but indeed more suitable surface in returning matchless tactile sensations, although offering at the
same time a limit in printing quality due to their porosity. The UV printing technique gives a good result on these papers, but in the recycling phase the
de-ink process is very aggressive. The Research and Development unit of Grafiche Antiga developed ‘PREMIUM COLOR PRINT’, an exclusive technique that allows the use of vegetable inks for printing uncoated papers and obtaining an excellent colour rendering, without
additional costs and with the relevant advantage of environmental sustainability. The ink manufacturers are developing UV Led inks with improved de-ink but:
- do not meet our quality standards;
- the Pantone range is limited;
- are not vegetable inks.